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Today’s New York Times featured a story that got us all upset. Writer Natasha Singer went backstage at Fashion Week to learn what it was like for the unsung beauty heroes of the tents: the nail technicians. What she discovered is that it’s no picnic down there on the floor taking care of models’ feet. Evidently, quite a few ladies who earn your monthly salary in an hour don’t take that cash down to the local nail salon for maintenance. The writer speaks of handling all sorts of maladies – desiccated cuticles, divots in the nails, and goodness-only-knows-what-else.
A note to the models: you get flack for not eating, being tall, looking bored, and acting ungrateful. We can accept all these things, but we draw the line at skipping basic maintenance. It’s unacceptable and downright gross. We have enought sense to haul it down the street for mani/pedi specials, yet the people who get to wear all our favorite shoe designers do not. Show a little respect here, ladies.
We’ll even help you. SheFinds has written about foot maintenance for so long, the archives are bursting. We’ve given Sandal Boot Camp, we’ve covered fish pedicures, we’ve got solutions for aching feet…we’ve even covered the Press-On Pedicure if you’re in a real hurry. If you need help, we’re here for you, but never let us speak again of you walking in thousands of dollars worth of credit-limit worthy shoes with nasty, funky feet.
Because if you really hate wearing all those pretty shoes that much, give us a call and we will gladly take them off your hands and put them on our beautifully manicured feet. No problem.