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Photo by Nancy Kaszerman/ZUMA Press NYMetro Liv Tyler at Prada
Black beauty (shadows, lips, and nails) is appearing all over. The trend took hold this summer with even the Upper East Siders/Hamptons residers squaring off their nails and painting them the color of an angsty teen’s aura.
BUT just like we get snarky over the TRL-izing of our indie bands and the mass-retail appropriation of our dress code, Brooklynites from trend-central Williamsburg have earned bitching rights over the filching of our finger style. We’ve had dark nails since the first hipster slung on his studded belt. Some of us haven’t stopped since the run on Chanel’s Vamp in ’94. Even if you’re not obsessed with your anti-establishment status or a boy rocker (or David Beckham), you too can go dark without looking like Elvira.
Tips: Just keep your nails short, preferably square, and let a manicurist do the deed unless you have steady hand. No one wants to see a “dirty” nail bed from a polish smear. And even with the best of blacks, it takes a couple coats.
Follow the trend:
My address is in Williamsburg and my preferred polish is Essie in Licorice.
The Limited Edition Chanel Black Satin Le Vernis is completely sold out in stores and online. Find it on eBay. Buyer beware, it’s selling for as much as $109 a bottle!
OPI Black Satin has a more metallic finish than true black.
Ok, fine. But if Katie Couric goes black, I’m gonna stop.