Charging your iPhone seems like one of those no-brainer tasks that you can’t get wrong. And, sure, for the most part, that’s true. Plug in your device, let it charge, unhook it from the charger, and you’re good to go — what could go wrong?
But mistakes can still be made, and when they are made, your iPhone battery can suffer. It’s not difficult to charge your phone the right way, but it takes a bit of understanding about what could go wrong and how that affects battery power. These are the two worst charging mistakes you’re making on your iPhone that can ruin your device’s battery health.

Using Cheap Charging Accessories
We get it: your iPhone is expensive enough — must its accessories also cost an arm and a leg? But here’s the thing: while you can get cheap charging cables for your phone, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re designed with your iPhone and its model’s needs in mind. And when you use a cable that isn’t compatible with your device, you run the risk of it insufficiently charging your phone and wreaking havoc on its battery.
Play it safe by either using an Apple cable or an Apple-certified cable, which you can probably purchase for less. Whatever you use, make sure it’s a perfect fit for your phone.

Going To Extremes
You shouldn’t let your phone dip way down below 10 percent battery before finding a charger — nor should you continually charge it to 100 percent and keep it there for hours. The key to a healthy charging session is moderation. Don’t charge it in extreme heat or extreme cold (both are bad for your battery) and try to keep your battery charged between 30 and 80 percent at all times, if possible.
Charging your device shouldn’t be something you have to think so hard about, but making sure you use the right accessories and follow a few tips on not being extreme with your phone can help prolong its battery.