Your skincare routine probably consists of cleansers, serums, and moisturizers — and maybe you’ve upped the ante even more by considering what you’re eating and drinking. But when it’s time to go all the way with your skincare, look to supplements for help. Victoria Glass M.D., a practicing doctor with a focus on medical research, says there are three supplements that can support more radiant, glowing skin. Whether you find these supplements in foods or you take an additional pill to ensure you’re covering your nutrition bases, these are the supplements you need for brighter, healthier skin.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E acts as a barrier that seals in moisture to your skin giving you a younger look — and it also has antioxidant properties, Glass says. Some common foods with vitamin E include almonds, peanut butter, spinach, and red bell pepper.
“Collagen supplements aid in the elasticity of your skin as well as hydrating and strengthening it,” Glass says. You can easily find flavor-less collagen powder that you can add to smoothies, water, and even coffee. Foods high in collagen include fish, chicken, egg whites, and citrus fruits.

Vitamin C
“This one helps to synthesize collagen, minimize hyperpigmentation, and heal blemishes plus the effects of UV exposure,” Glass says. You may have already guessed that citrus fruits are an ideal source of vitamin C, but you’ll also find this nutrient in tomatoes, bell peppers, and even white potatoes.
Before you spend another cent on pricey skincare, consider adding more of the best skincare supplements to your routine.