How To Clean Jewelry

August 28, 2017 by Lisa Cupido

Your precious jewels, sterling silver, and even that amazing $10 necklace you snagged at the mall that everyone thinks is real all need the same thing: a good, regular cleaning. If we're being honest, few of us probably clean our jewelry as often as we should — and you'll know you're guilty as charged if your ring, necklace, earrings, or bracelet are looking rather dull. Why walk around wearing accessories that could be far more glittery and eye-catching? Take a few minutes to follow these simple steps to cleaning jewelry and your sparkly treasures will thank you.

Photos: Shutterstock 

Soap, Water & Baking Soda Can Clean Silver

Silver jewelry is one of the first types to show its age — in the form of unsightly tarnish. Luckily, there's a dead easy way to polish tarnish away. Fill a small bowl with warm water and a few drops of dish soap (or another mild soap). Grab a soft cloth and dip it into the water. Next, gently rub your jewelry with the moistened soapy cloth before going over it again with a plain water-dampened cloth. If your silver is very tarnished and not responsive to soap, try mixing three parts of baking soda with one part warm water and polishing it with a soft rag. Never drop silver pieces in water and leave them there for any length of time — this will just damage your jewelry. 

Clean Pearls With A Soft Brush

Pearls are too previous to dip into water or clean using a professional grade cleaning solution. The only way to effectively and safely clean pearls is by using a gentle tool like a makeup brush or clean paintbrush. Fill a small bowl with warm water and a drop or two of mild soap. Dip your brush into the bowl and use the brush to go over each pearl individually (make sure you're getting into the area in between pearls, where dirt often sits). You can "rinse" the pearl by dipping a different brush into plain water and going over them again, or by using a very soft lint-free rag. Leave pearls spread out on a towel to dry. 

A Bubbly Cleaning Solution For Gold

Gold jewelry and most costume jewelry benefit from a thorough cleaning using a simple solution: a bowl of Seltzer with a few drops of mild soap mixed in. The bubbles actually help loosen dirt and make it easier for you to polish it away. You can place your gold pieces into the bowl and let them sit for a few minutes before using a soft toothbrush to gently polish the jewelry and lift up any debris. 

If you are trying to clean costume jewelry, dip a toothbrush into the Seltzer solution and brush each piece after you position it on a towel or dishrag. Some costume jewelry pieces are held together with glue and you risk ruining them if you submerge them into a bowl of water or club soda.

Rely On Professional Products

With so many amazing jewelry cleaning products on the market, DIY solutions are no longer your only option. Every item from silver polish to an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner that resembles a chamber to a simple Bling Brush you glide along your favorite jewels is available to make cleaning your jewelry a breeze. 

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