Fans think Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were “giving Bond vibes” to the Citadel global premiere in London on Tuesday. Priyanka, who stars in the Prime Video TV show alongside Richard Madden, arrived on the red carpet in a red off-the-shoulder Vivienne Westwood gown with a corset-like top. Her husband and the father of their baby, Nick went for an all-black suit with a turtleneck underneath. Priyanka and Nick looked so chic that fans are calling them a “power couple!” The couple is also known for their signature-style moments.
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Priyanka Chopra Wears A Red Vivienne Westwood Gown For The 'Citadel' Premiere With Nick Jonas
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas attended the Citadel premiere in London on April 18th in coordinating satin outfits. Priyanka donned a red satin gown by Vivienne Westwood. Actress Salma Hayek and model Hailey Bieber have also recently worn dresses from the fashion designer. The ensemble featured a delicate off-the-shoulder design, a corset bodice, and a flowing, floor-length skirt. The Quantico star accessorized with a pair of dainty dangling earrings and a diamond-and-ruby chunky ring. And, for added glam, Priyanka styled her caramel tresses in loose waves past her shoulders. She chose to wear a heavy smokey eye with a velvety red matte lip to complement her dress.
For the event, Nick wore an all-black outfit to contrast his wife. The singer walked the red carpet in a black turtleneck sweater, matching trousers, and a blazer with satin lapels. He paired the outfit with black loafers and a stylish silver wristwatch. After the premiere, Nick posted clips of Priyanka's gown on the red carpet and set the compilation to the Jonas Brothers' song "Burnin' Up," specifically the lyrics where the brothers sing "red dress." Fans couldn't get enough of Nick's cute tribute to his wife. One commenter wrote, "Not Nick using his iconic 'red dress' on Priyanka! Omg, I am loving this moment."
The couple's stunning red-carpet moment comes just two weeks after Priyanka wowed in a turquoise dress for the Citadel Mumbai premiere with Nick. And, in March, the duo arrived at the Valentino Paris Fashion Week show in outfits from the brand. The actress wore a pink plunging cape gown and the singer donned a gray suit with a black shirt.
Fan Comments
Priyanka posted multiple posts from the night on her Instagram and obviously fans commented their appreciation for the couple's outfit. Many filled her comment section with the woman dancing emoji in a red dress. "You are stunning Pri!" one person wrote, while another commented, "You in red," with a red heart emoji, and another chimed in with, "Boss lady" and a heart-eyed emoji. "Ate and left NO crumbs," another said, and another wrote, "Where's her crown?"
Other fans couldn't stop talking about how iconic the couple looked together and praised Nick's support of his wife. "Definitely giving bond vibes," a fan raved, while another emphasized, "That supportive husband with zero bruised ego, yeees! I love this couple!"