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Now that September is officially upon us, it’s time to whip out the fall wardrobe staples. There’s a certain thrill to taking your boots, sweaters, and tights out of storage. The only major problem? It seems that while your clothes were hibernating for summer, they somehow managed to attract all sorts of “fuzzies.” Tights in particular are always a breeding ground for pills (also know as the small balls of fluff on its surface of your clothing). According to wikiHow, pilling occurs when the fibers in a fabric or garment rub together, causing them to break off and accumulate in small piles. Tights are especially prone to pilling.
So how do you make last year’s tights look like new again? There’s a few tricks for getting rid of all those fuzzies stuck to your tights. One of the easiest ways to remove pills is to shave them off with a disposable razor. All you need to do is lay out the tights on a flat surface and lightly graze the surface of the tights. Be sure to pull the fabric taught with one hand while you do this. Once you’ve collected a ball of little fuzzies, use tape to removed them from the tights. For the best results, use a new sharp razor for this method.
Stores like Target and Bed Bath and Beyond sell devices specially made for shaving off pills. However, these are often too harsh to use on tights (these devices are better suited for heavier garments like sweaters). Instead, try using a sweater stone. This is a lightweight pumice stone designed to remove pilling and lint. To use, lay the tights on a flat surface and pull flat. Gently rub the stone against the affected areas.
If you are feeling particularly lazy, you can also snip of the fuzzies with small manicure scissors! To prevent pilling from happing again, be sure to wash your tights separately (by hand is best) and never put your tights in the dryer.
Want more wardrobe hacks? Check out these simple ways to stop you shoes from smelling and how to get rid of armpit stains on a silk shirt.
[Image: Ania B]