
4 Money-Saving Tips For Ordering At Starbucks, According To A Barista

September 1, 2022 by Faith Geiger
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Starbucks is known for a lot of things: Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Frappuccinos, green aprons… but one thing they’re not known for is low prices. It can sometimes be shocking to see the total show up once you’ve finished ordering your drink just how you like it. Luckily, a barista named Kate Mattson recently shared some top secret money-saving tips with her audience.

Mattson was so set on slipping these secrets to the public that she may have even putting her job on the line, as a few fellow baristas took to the comments to warn her that she should take the video down. However, it’s still up (and has amassed more than, 26k views) and we’re here to pass the magic on to you. Here are Mattson’s four tips:

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1. Order a small latte

Okay, obviously a small coffee will cost more than a medium—this isn’t groundbreaking news. However, the surprising part comes in when you learn that, according to Mattson, both sizes have the same amount of coffee in them, so you won’t be getting any more caffeine by opting for a medium. “The size small and the size medium has the same amount of coffee in them, it’s just the difference in the milk, so if you want the same amount of coffee, just get the small,” she says. Who knew?!

2. Ask for syrup later

If you love a bit of simple syrup or flavor additions in your drink, listen up: Mattson says you shouldn’t include it in your order, which will cost you extra money. “If you don’t want to pay for syrup, just hang around at the end of the bar and be like, ‘Oh sorry, I meant to ask for syrup’ or ‘Can I make it sweeter?’ and the barista will just give you syrups,” she says. “They don’t care, they won’t charge you.” We love a generous barista!

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3. Order three shots

Craving a real caffeine boost and want four shots of espresso in your drink? Mattson has some tea: you can just go ahead and order three. "If you order three shots, most likely you’re going to get four because they can only do two shots at a time," she told her followers. This is also good to know for those of us who are a bit more sensitive to caffeine. If four will put you over the edge, maybe it's best to play it safe and stick to two. Hey, then you'll save even more money!

4. Be nice to your barista

Kindness will get you a long way in life, and Mattson says it's no different when it comes to coffee. Her final money-saving tip is to be kind to your barista. It may just pay off for you in the end. "If you’re nice to the barista, they’re way more likely to give you free stuff, maybe a bigger size. You never know," she concludes. Noted!

So, there you have it: next time you're craving that PSL, just remember to follow these tips, and you may save a few bucks.


Editorial Assistant

Faith Geiger is a New York-based writer and editor. When she's not covering the latest in health and wellness for SheFinds, she spends her time watching reality TV with her roommates, browsing used bookstores, and enjoying live music. You can reach Faith at [email protected].

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