
The One App Mistake Every iPhone User Should Stop Making Because It Drains Your Battery So Fast

November 22, 2020 by Lisa Cupido
shefinds | News

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Some apps have earned a notorious reputation as battery drainers. And, although it isn’t your imagination — they are culprits when it comes to rapidly decreasing your device’s battery power — the app itself is not always to blame, nor is there a need to delete it. Tech expert Jeff Walker, founder and CEO of Best VPN Canada, spoke with about the one app mistake every iPhone user should stop making because it drains your battery so fast. The good news is: once you make a few adjustments, there will be no need to delete that battery-crushing app you love so much. 

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Sure, Facebook has a bad rep when it comes to battery power, but Walker says the apps that are draining your iPhone battery depend on their usage behavior. “You need to understand that there is no battery-draining app to watch for,” Walker says. “It all depends on you alone.”


Depending on who you ask, you’ll get very different answers if you’re trying to determine which one app is causing your phone’s battery to die before dinnertime. 


“Some may say it's Facebook and others say WhatsApp,” Walker says. “But what if I’m not prone to using one of those and instead use Google Maps regularly? I would probably say Google Maps is the culprit, right? That being said, there is no single app that drains everyone’s phone battery. What matters is the app you use often.”



Generally, there are a lot of factors that drain your iPhone’s battery that you need to watch for, Walker says, from the way you charge your phone to your phone habits. Abiding by a few best practices and tricks can help prolong battery power, no matter which apps you use. 


“First, don’t let your phone’s battery deplete,” Walker says. “Charging it partially is ideal. Then change some settings and toggle off those unnecessary features like brightness, location services, Bluetooth, AirDrop, Siri suggestions, automatic updates, and so much more. With just a simple tick of your fingers, you can get through the day without even doing a single charge.”


Lisa Fogarty is a lifestyle writer and reporter based in New York who covers health, wellness, relationships, sex, beauty, and parenting.

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