
Tech Experts Agree: These Are The Best Ways To Protect Your iPhone In 2022

June 6, 2022 by Lisa Cupido
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Times change and technology advances, but one need never loses steam: it’s always important to equip yourself with the latest tips on how to protect your data from being compromised. It isn’t just enough to create a strong password for different sites (though this is important, too). A well-protected iPhone is the result of following a few different strategies that ensure it is as secure as possible — from every possible angle. Tech experts agree: these are the best ways to protect your iPhone in 2022.

Your iPhone operating system(iOS) must be updated regularly.

This is one of the best possible ways to ensure that your device is safe from hackers as much as possible, according to Tech Expert Steve Anderson, CEO of JunkYardNearMe. “The technology behind this is that the security features are improved every time you update your iOS devices and your iPad devices to their latest software,” Anderson says. “Other areas still need fixes that can afford the hacker’s space or access to be closed. This is one method Apple has successfully administered to keep hackers away and keep its devices’ security in check.”

Be careful to click on messages and links that suddenly pop up on your phone.

Another possible way hackers gain access to your phone is by sending you links, emails or messages so regularly that you eventually click on something, even if it’s just out of curiosity. “Some of these links are designed to install softwares when clicked on, which gives the hacker access to your iPhone,” Anderson says. “Any message, links or emails you have doubts over must never be opened. This should equally guide you when browsing the internet or web as links whose directions are known are the ones to be opened.”

This advice also includes emails containing newsletters you never signed up for that come with links and attachments, all of which Anderson says should be deleted or avoided. “Such links must never be clicked on until you know their source,” Anderson says. “Lastly, when filling in information on a website, check to see the legitimacy of that website. Be completely sure that the website is real before filling in your details.”

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Always use a closed or secure Wi-Fi network as the need arises.


Public Wi-Fi isn’t as secure as a closed Wi-Fi and can lead to hacking attempts. “In cases where it is paramount to use public Wi-Fi due to the unavailability of an internet connection in your home or when working in a browsing center, a VPN must be used,” Anderson says. “VPN simply means virtual private network, and its role is to help introduce a security net that is private around all your internet activities. This will prevent hackers from getting access to your phone.”


The password of your Apple ID must be changed frequently.


Don’t simply set an Apple ID password and leave it in place for months or years. “The apple ID's role in securing your iPhone cannot be overemphasized,” Anderson says. “The Apple ID is the gateway to your iCloud keychain. If compromised, access would be created for the hacker to locate the contents in your iCloud storage.”


An increased level of security is provided when the Apple ID password is changed frequently, Anderson says. “This ensures that a hacker who gets a hold of your password mistakenly or accidentally is hindered from using the password for long due to it being changed frequently,” Anderson says. “Hence, the validity of a password is proportional to its changes frequently.”




Add these steps to your iPhone maintenance routine and keep yourself better protected from a privacy breach. 


Lisa Fogarty is a lifestyle writer and reporter based in New York who covers health, wellness, relationships, sex, beauty, and parenting.

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