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The world is full of fakes: fake bags, fake friends, fake boobs. So I didn't bat an eye (no pun intended) when I heard about the latest craze on the falsity circuit – lash extensions. Now, of course I had heard of plastic lashes you can buy at the Duane Reade and glue on for a silly night out with friends. I'm even aware of the higher end faux versions that celebs are sporting. But I had no idea women were actually getting semi-permanent (well at least longer than one drunken night) fixtures super-glued to their natural eyelashes.
At high end salons like Uptown Girl in NYC, women are paying upwards of $400 to get lash extensions that last over two weeks before any maintenance is needed (and FYI – they don't really use superglue, but whatever it is, it's STRONG). I was hesitant to try this out at first, but after a somewhat lengthy process, my lashes looked dramatic, voluminous, and downright fabulous. And the best part was I didn't bother with eye-makeup for the next two weeks – no mascara, no liner, no nothing. I didn't need anything else to accentuate my eyes. So if you're feeling kinda crazy, and itching to spice up your beauty ritual, go ahead and splurge on lash extensions. But make sure you go to a salon specializing in the procedure, or you might end up looking like Pam Anderson the morning after a bender with Kid Rock. And that look will never be in.
If you're the non-commital type, you can warm up to the notion with these temporary falsies below: both in full sets and separate lashes.